
The Pagination component allows you to display active page and navigate between multiple pages.


NextUI exports 3 pagination-related components:

  • Pagination: The main component to display a pagination.
  • PaginationItem: The internal component to display a pagination item.
  • PaginationCursor: The internal item component to display the current page.





Data Attributes

Pagination has the following attributes on the base element:

  • data-controls: Indicates whether the pagination has controls. Based on showControls prop.
  • data-loop: When the pagination is looped. Based on loop prop.
  • data-dots-jump: Indicates whether the pagination has dots jump. Based on dotsJump prop.
  • data-total: The total number of pages. Based on total prop.
  • data-active-page: The active page. Based on activePage prop.


  • The root node has a role of navigation by default.
  • The pagination items have an aria-label that identifies the item purpose ("next page button", "previous page button", etc.), you can override this label by using the getItemAriaLabel function.
  • The pagination items are in tab order, with a tabindex of "0".


Pagination Props

variantflat | bordered | light | fadedThe pagination variant.flat
colordefault | primary | secondary | success | warning | dangerThe pagination color theme.default
sizesm | md | lgThe pagination
radiusnone | sm | md | lg | fullThe pagination border radius.xl
totalnumberThe total number of pages.1
dotsJumpbooleanThe number of pages that are added or subtracted on the '...' button.5
initialPagenumberThe initial page. (uncontrolled)1
pagenumberThe current page. (controlled)-
siblingsnumberThe number of pages to show before and after the current page.1
boundariesnumberThe number of pages to show at the beginning and end of the pagination.1
loopbooleanWhether the pagination should be looped.false
isCompactbooleanWhether the pagination should have a compact style.false
isDisabledbooleanWhether the pagination is disabled.false
showShadowbooleanWhether the pagination cursor should have a shadow.false
showControlsbooleanWhether the pagination should have controls.false
disableCursorAnimationbooleanWhether the pagination cursor should be hidden.false
renderItemPaginationItemPropsThe pagination item render function.-
getItemAriaLabel(page: string) => stringA function that allows you to customize the pagination items aria-label.-
disableAnimationbooleanWhether the pagination cursor should be animated.false
classNamesRecord<"base"| "wrapper" | "prev"| "next" | "item" | "cursor" | "forwardIcon" | "ellipsis" | "chevronNext", string>Allows to set custom class names for the pagination slots.-

Pagination Events

onChange(page: number) => voidHandler that is called when the pagination acitve page changes.


Pagination Item Props

export type PaginationItemRenderProps = {
// The pagination item ref.
ref?: Ref<T>;
// The pagination item value.
value: PaginationItemValue;
// The pagination item index.
index: number;
// The active page number.
activePage: number;
// Whether the pagination item is active.
isActive: boolean;
// Whether the pagination item is the first item in the pagination.
isFirst: boolean;
// Whether the pagination item is the last item in the pagination.
isLast: boolean;
// Whether the pagination item is the next item in the pagination.
isNext: boolean;
// Whether the pagination item is the previous item in the pagination.
isPrevious: boolean;
// The pagination item className.
className: string;
// Callback to go to the next page.
onNext: () => void;
// Callback to go to the previous page.
onPrevious: () => void;
// Callback to go to the page.
setPage: (page: number) => void;
type renderItem?: (props: PaginationItemRenderProps) => ReactNode;